The Brand New 2023 Golf Michiana Cards Are Ready To Order!

We have our new "Classic" card, which combines many of the courses from our old Regional and Local cards, as well as our "West" card, which includes golf courses located mainly in NW Indiana.

Golf Michiana Couon Cards

For the last 20+ years, we've provided great golf discount coupons for Michiana Golfers.

Golf Michiana has been the leader in offering unbelievable coupon deals for golf courses in the Michiana area. Each Golf Michiana coupon card contains at least 16 coupons for 1/2 priced golf AND CART for twosomes. Our deals are still better than you can find on Golf Now and other sites, with way more flexibility. They are the PERFECT GIFT for the the golfer in your life. See why thousands of area golfers buy our cards every year. We encourage you to compare our card with our competition. We think most golfers will agree that we are far superior in terms of price, lineup of courses and their offers. It's not close.

See why thousands of local golfers choose us each year!

What You Get.

You receive a coupon card containing at least 16 coupons for deeply discounted rounds of golf and cart for 2somes at great golf courses in our area. Many of the coupons are even valid for 4somes. It is often 1/2 price golf and cart for 2-4 golfers. The Classic card also includes a coupon for a bucket of balls from Nicks Golf Center and a BOGO gallon of paint at PPG!!  YOU CAN SAVE MORE MONEY THAN THE COST OF THE ENTIRE CARD EVEN IF YOU PLAY ZERO ROUNDS THIS YEAR (BUT YOU PAINT A ROOM).  A real "no-brainer."

How it Works. 

After receiving your card, your 2some/4some just needs to choose the course you want to play, call them for tee times (just like you always do), and go to the course with your coupon(s) in hand. Receive your discount (typically half price), and then tee off!



  • 16 + great golf courses
  • 2 for 1 rounds of golf WITH CART (2 people golf with cart for the price of 1 with cart) 
  • Many of the coupon offers are even valid for up to 4 players, not just 2 players
  • Most rounds are even valid weekends




Golf Michiana - Yout source for evefrything golf in northern Indiana-SOuthwest-Michigan-Kalamazoo
Golf Michiana Discount Coupons

How Much Do You Play?

  • Golf as a curiosity: If you only play golf 3 or 4 times a year, 2somes can save over $250.
  • Golf as a hobby: If you only play golf once a month this season, 2somes can save over $500.
  • Golf as an indulgence: If you play golf about once a week, 2somes can save over $1,500.
  • Golf as a fanatic: If you play golf 4 or more times a week, 2somes can save thou$and$, and how do we get your job?

Who Shouldn't Buy This Card

  • Golfers who ONLY want to walk (no cart)
  • Golfers who can ONLY play Sat. and Sun. mornings
  • Golfers who ONLY play alone